

Hoarding is defined as obtaining and refusing to throw out items that would normally appear to be worthless, hazardous, or unsanitary. When these items accumulate, living spaces become significantly cluttered and can no longer be used for the activities associated with that space. Food and animal waste may also be present. Hoarding can also be dangerous if it puts the individual or others at risk from fire, falling, poor sanitation, and other health concerns

We Are Here To Help

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  • Hoarding Cleanup
  • Discrete
  • Personalized Service
  • People Who Care

Excessive clutter and hoarding have been in the spotlight of news programs and cable shows. Recent studies estimate that 4-5% of people are hoarders of some kind. Whether garbage, paper, household items, clothing, filth, human or animal waste, or a combination, hoarding is unhealthy and unsafe. The dangers of hoarding include fire hazard; falls; and illnesses secondary to mold, bacteria, and feces. Some individuals are without heat or water because repairmen cannot get inside to fix the problem.

Many individuals who hoard are ashamed and embarrassed about their home. This makes it hard to allow anyone enter to help–especially family members or friends. And yet, many hoarders know something needs to be done or they may need to leave their home.

At On Call Bio Tennessee, we realize that just calling a professional hoarding company can be very difficult. When you call, you will speak to a friendly, understanding, non-judgmental individual who will listen to you. In fact, people tell us that they feel better about their situation even just talking on the phone with us!



Through our sister company, Tennessee Hoarding, On Call Bio Tennessee has helped many individuals regain a clean and safe living space. Every situation is a little different. Generally, though we will remove and dispose of any trash, nonfunctional items, and anything that is not safe to keep. We follow all local, state and federal regulations for disposing of all hazardous and biohazardous materials, appliances, and electronics. Frequently in this process, we will find important documents, money, and precious items that have been lost for years! Then we disinfect and deodorize the space, using proprietary cleaning solutions and processes. The result? Our ‘After’ photos speak for themselves!.

Our results are dramatic, but our presence isn’t. On Call Bio Tennessee is discrete and professional, maintaining your privacy and dignity. Our job is not to judge; our job is to help! When you are ready to make your home safe and livable again, call 615-307-7674 us right away!



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